The Revolutionary War is a complex subject…

Listed below are a variety of resources to help you cover the subject, everything from YouTube videos that may be helpful to books (both young adult and picture books). Please be aware that this resource was originally created in 2015 and many of the links may be out of date. I have done my best to update those linked on this page, but the links in the text set document have not been touched since it was created.

This is designed to be a resource for teachers. However, if you are using this as a student – kudos! Remember, double check all your facts and recognize where you are getting things from! And don’t forget to cite!

Revolutionary War Text Set (Google Doc)

More Online Resources:



Hamilton: An American Musical can be used, particularly “My Shot”, “Battle of Yorktown”. (The second act is good for looking at the first years of the new nation and the original political parties.)

1776 has several songs that can be used for the years up to declaring independence. (The song “Molasses to Rum” is specifically cited in the text set for usage to discuss slavery at the time of the revolution.)