Header image stating "Foxtrot Firefly: History, Tea, and Books" with images of hot tea on either side.

No Villages, Just Venting

How many headlines have popped up on my feed since before my child was born proclaiming how tired, angry, frustrated, and overburdened mothers are – especially now that we are in a pandemic? I’m tired of them. These headlines and the stories behind them are all venting with no solutions. I remember back a few years ago when I was talking with one of my younger managers. I had just broken the news that there was going to be a policy change. I had been upset myself when I heard about the change, but after […]

The Secret Sisterhood of Tortall & Tamora Pierce

There is one book series that most women in my generation – the older end of the millennial generation – have read. It’s the secret book language that we can all speak, and know inside out. And they’re books that we keep pushing the younger millennials to read, too. These are the books by Tamora Pierce. All of them a extremely empowering, particularly to women. However, my love has always come back to her Tortall stories. “At the end of the road – we’ll see. We’re bound for the capital of Tortall-” The girl’s face […]